



ΗAcne is a common chronic skin condition characterized by blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles. It presents clinically with oiliness and a multiform rash (inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions), which often leads to scarring.
It is a common skin condition mainly during adolescence, however the so-called "adult acne" seems to increase, especially in women and in the age group between 30-50 years1,2.
Acne is estimated to affect:

  • ● 80% of adolescents worldwide
  • ● its diagnosis in adults is estimated between 1-12%
  • ● 15-20% of visits to Dermatologists are made for acne3,4
  • Not everyone gets acne! However, people with acne, especially the younger ones, tend to think that they are the only ones facing this problem. But this is not not true! For example, acne affects about 50 million people in the United States 5.
    Acne is a common skin condition especially during adolescence.

    How is acne caused?
    Acne is a genetic multifactorial disease. Genetic predisposition plays a very important role in the development of acne lesions 6.
    Many factors are involved in the appearance of acne, say experts from the Hellenic Dermatological & Venereological Society (EDAE). Some of these factors are exogenous (eg environment, diet), others are endogenous (eg hormones). Even allergies, certain medications or even vitamin deficiencies can cause acne-like disorders, but without being 7.
    Acne mainly affects people when their skin pores are blocked by dead skin cells. Dead skin cells grow on the skin. When our skin begins to synthesize sebum, which is necessary to prevent dehydration of our skin, these dead cells remain stuck together in the pore.
    Therefore, instead of rising to the surface of the skin, dead cells remain trapped inside the pore. Very often, bacteria that colonize our skin such as p. acnes, also enter the clogged pore. There they find the ideal environment to multiply very quickly. As a result, the pore becomes inflamed (becomes red and swollen). If this inflammation progresses to deeper layers of the skin, then cysts and nodules may form 5.
    Acne mainly affects people when their skin pores are blocked by dead skin cells.

    The symptoms of acne
    Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to acne. However, this is not a single condition, ie it does not manifest in all people in the same way. There are manifestations of acne such as:

  • ● Dark spots (Open gloves)
  • ● White spots (Closed eateries)
  • ● Red pimples (bumps)
  • ● Red pimples with white sebum (Blisters)
  • ● Cysts
  • ● Nodules
  • Acne mainly affects the back, chest, neck, shoulders, arms, buttocks and of course the face 5.
    Acne is not just about pimples!

    Effects of acne
    Unfortunately, acne is not just about pimples! Research shows that people with acne have:

  • ● Low self-esteem: They themselves testify that acne makes them feel uncomfortable. They avoid friendly and social gatherings and are often absent from school or work.
  • ● Depression: Acne can also lead to pathological conditions, such as depression. Depression itself can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
  • ● Permanent scars: People with cysts or nodules may develop scars when they "clear" of acne. These events are largely hereditary. Treatment suggested in time by the treating physician can prevent their formation 5.
  • In general, studies show that acne can affect people's quality of life even more than serious pathological conditions, such as asthma and epilepsy, both socially, emotionally and physically. Acne mainly affects people with poor quality of life Diagnosis and treatment options.

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